heart on the mend

I know better, and I feel so stupid that I let myself put my heart out there again. Whenever my friends tell me about their new crush or guy they are dating, the first words out of my mouth are take it slow, don’t fall too hard too fast. And then I end up doing the exact opposite when something happens to me.


When you jump too quickly, you get hurt pretty quickly. It’s just that I always get so excited. I love the beginning feelings, and I want love.

There are not a lot of opportunities for me to meet someone any more. I don’t go out to places and have a sole intention to try to meet someone to date, and I am not doing it online either. So when I start liking someone these days, it’s a big deal. 

Unfortunately for me, I didn’t follow my advice, and I am hurting. I am proud of myself for putting myself in a vulnerable place because I haven’t done that in awhile, but I am also kicking myself because I should have known better. I just feel so stupid…


I have no regrets in the way I acted on my side because I acted how I am. I probably texted when I shouldn’t have. I probably went out of my way for this guy when I shouldn’t have. I probably said too many nice and encouraging things that I shouldn’t have. But that’s WHO I AM.


It’s at this time that I have to remind myself of what I deserve. I deserve the best, and to be treated as such. I deserve to be pursued. I deserve to be loved in a really amazing way. I am a great catch, and if a guy can’t see that and act on it, then I need to let that guy go.

It’s easier said than done… But I need to keep my head up. I need to heal and move on. I still believe there is someone out there for me.

1 Corinthians 13:7 (NLT)

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.