Apples and Oranges

Comparing yourself to anyone else whether it be your personality, looks, life events, etc., it is apples and oranges.

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You are not like the rest. You do stand out. You are valuable.

For most of my life, I have had a bad habit of comparing myself to others. And to be honest, I am still working on it. My brain is wired to evaluate and review, which means I am constantly picking up similarities and differences.

Comparing is the gateway to other negative thoughts that only leads down a darker road. 

Even as I am writing this, I will admit that I am trying so hard not to compare myself.  I watch movies where a girl simply shows up out of nowhere, and a guy instantly wants to know her, pursue her, date her.

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For some reason, it bothers me and comforts me at the same time.

In that moment, what makes her stand out? I want to be that girl, but I feel like the one in the background getting blurred over. I am not throwing a pity party for myself right now; I am being honest in describing how I feel sometimes. I feel overlooked and undervalued by others, which then leads down so many paths of negative thoughts that are not even true.

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by others” that’s the key right there. My value isn’t defined by others. I don’t know why I can’t comprehend or accept that God values me so much, and His opinion of me should be the only thing I need. He isn’t overlooking me; in fact, He is the one pursing me.

God views us all as the girl slowly entering the scene. He has loved us, pursued us, and been there for us from the very beginning.

Lord, I pray for everyone dealing with comparison right now. I pray you open their eyes and hearts (mine too!) to the fact that your view of us is the ONLY thing that matters. I pray this thought is believed, received, and lived. We are enough for you, and you made us perfect in your image. Lord, I trust you with my life. I surrender my life, and I surrender the desires of my heart to you. I give you my heart and my fears. Please give me the strength, as well as others, to recognize comparing when it happens, to see the destruction of it, and to pick up the Word of God to fight it.

Psalm 139:14  (AMP)

14 I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.



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