Beauty isn’t a number.

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This morning, I woke up, and I was thinking about weighing myself to see my progress. Instead, I chose to put on my clothes for the day and look at myself in the mirror. I thought I looked good, and I was pleased with my body. I was happy. Technically, I still have some arm fat, a little tummy, and my legs are thick, but I accepted my body just as it was. Beautiful and wonderfully made.

Weight has always been a hurtful and painful thing for me to deal with. Since I was in high school, it was a thing. I had to weigh a certain amount, and when I gained weight, it just started a slippery slope because instead of inspiring me to exercise and be healthy, it caused me to become depressed and either eat more or starve myself. I viewed it as if I was failing.

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It didn’t help that I was staring and admiring magazines, which just reinforced my insecurities.

Looking down at a simple number, I thought I wasn’t valuable or pretty, I thought guys wouldn’t like me, I thought I wasn’t special.

So this morning, I thought about weighing myself, but I also didn’t want to get down on myself. I KNOW the numbers trigger thoughts that I sometimes have a hard time fighting.

I, instead, asked myself some questions. Am I proud of myself? Do I think I look good?

Yes. And I walked away not knowing or caring about the number that I let define me for YEARS.

I do think it’s important to have goals, but my first goal should be happiness, and I don’t think it’s healthy to beat yourself up over a silly number on a scale. That number doesn’t define you. You define you.

God created us all different shapes, sizes, colors. There is no ONE definition of beauty like magazines seems to outline.

If you are struggling to see past those imperfections, ask God today to reveal your beauty to yourself. You are beautiful. You are so amazing, so cherished, and filled with value. Say it until you mean it, and don’t let yourself forget that. God created you for a purpose, and He made you perfect in his eyes. Your body is perfect, no matter the shape, size, color, weight.


Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

One thought on “Beauty isn’t a number.

  1. Body weight and size are so yesterday. was yesterday a number in view of the eternal? or, is the temple that God created a housing for an invisible body where gravity and mass mean nothing? The one with an eternal view, with an understanding of the real body inside is the one who will be able to see you as you are, not your earthly housing.


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