Love: Reality vs Expectation

I haven’t posted anything in awhile, and that’s honestly because I haven’t wanted to say anything. I have felt compelled at certain times, but instead, I’ve just been silent, which I think is good at times. I’ve gone through some ups and downs since my last post. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve been angry, and I’ve learned some lessons.

I’m at a really good place right now where I am learning that life isn’t about finding the one or living a life with a spouse. Life is about me being content with me, being the best me I can be with the help of God, loving God and just having His love be enough. God is enough for me.

For most of my life, I have just wanted a boyfriend/husband. I don’t know how or why, but it was ingrained in my brain that that was the process of life. My expectation was go to school, get into college, meet someone in college, get engaged, get married, pursue a career, buy a house, build a family. Maybe because I played the game LIFE too much…

Image result for life expectation gif

My process, my reality, is completely different, and I am starting to accept it. In fact, I am starting to embrace my reality.

Instead of wondering why you don’t have your expectation, try to figure out what you can learn and grow in this reality. 

I have been really learning and understanding that no man can ever complete me and realizing that people who are married can still be learning this concept as well.

There is this illusion out there that marriage can solve things, marriage can change things, married people have things figured out, but this isn’t true at all. 

Truth be told, I am happy learning and understanding this concept as a single person rather than a married person. I don’t have any distractions. I am just being me and God is molding me to be the best person I can be before I meet my husband.

It can be hard during this day and age with “love” constantly showing everywhere. Movies, music, and books are defining love, when that definition of love fades. On the outside when you look at this love, it’s hard to not want it. It looks easy, you can touch it, you can feel it, but this love will never satisfy you.

God’s love is pure. His love is enough. His love never stops. He always forgives. He understands. He is patient. He is always there. Always there to pick you up, always there to fill you up, always there to protect, to defend, to lead. His love is powerful. His love endures forever.

Psalm 136:26 (NIV)

26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever.

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