
This week, I started a new job, which I have been praying for almost the past YEAR. One whole year, I waited, got rejected, persevered, cried with frustration, and knew that God would direct me to the right position. I wish I could say I was patient the whole time, but that would be a lie.

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God’s promise for me came through, in fact, He went above and beyond my expectations. About a month or so, during worship, I put my career on the alter for God. Yes, I had been praying for a position for the past year, but this time, it was different.

It was a desperation. It was a cry. It was a beg from the depths of my soul, and it gave up absolutely all control.

After constantly being rejected, feeling insufficient, and having my hope tested, I still knew and believed that God would come through with His Promise. It felt like my hope was getting smaller throughout the year, when it was actually getting stronger.

During the times I would break down, cry, and ask God why, I clung to His Promise. I knew He would come through because He had done so for me in the past.

I would remember how I got my first job within a month of graduating college. My next position, I only waited four months. I remembered the day I thought I would end my life and how God saved me.


God is here. God is in the now and in the waiting.

Just because God provided me with a new job, does not mean I have stopped needing Him. I still rely on Him for guidance, wisdom, and patience (STILL). My life is by all means not perfect or amazing now that I have this new job, now that God finally gave me the shiny toy I have been crying for.

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We all know that the next top thing on my list is a husband.

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Lately, I have been so grateful that God gave me this job, I really don’t mind waiting for the right guy, which I know I have said before. But because God answered this one prayer, I’m good for now.

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Matthew 6:31-33 (NIV)

31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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